Departamentos de práctica farmacéutica en el mundo, en 2006


  • Fernando Fernández-Llimós
  • Fernando Martínez-Martínez
  • Miguel Ángel Gastelurrutia


Administrative Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmacy, Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, Social Pharmacy, University


Aims: A Web based research was desgined in 2006 to search for Pharmacy Practice, Social and Administrative Pharmacy departements in all Pharmacy Schools in the world.

Material and Methods: The International Federation Pharmacy list of all Faculty of Pharmacy in the world was used. The key words used were: Pharmacy Practice, Social Pharmacy and Administrative Pharmacy in different languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Results: 718 Faculties of Pharmacy were identified, 192 reaching the inclusion criteria. 83 out of them had a PPD with a key word in their web site. In Oceania there were 9 PPD, in Asia 8 and in Europe 22. In America 43, all of them located in North America while in Africa there was only one university with a PPD.

Conclusions: The biggest rate of implementation of PPD happens in well developed countries. They are autonomous, independent from other departments and with a multidisciplinary structure.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Llimós F, Martínez-Martínez F, Gastelurrutia M Ángel. Departamentos de práctica farmacéutica en el mundo, en 2006. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];56(1):8-16. Available from:



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