Nanobots: The future of drug delivery


  • Rama Rao Tadikonda CMR College of Pharmacy
  • Anand Aditya Department of Pharmaceutics, CMR College of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, Telangana.



Nanotechnology, Nanobots, Medicine delivery, Precision, Infected cells


Introduction: Since the introduction of nanorobotics, the discipline of medicinal chemistry has seen an exponential development in the uses of nanotechnology. One of the most potential uses of nanotechnology is in the creation of nanobots, which can be applied to a variety of industries such as medicine delivery, medical imaging, and even the benefits of nanobots include their small size, light weight, great flexibility, high sensitivity, and big thrust-to-weight ratio. Nanobots have several uses and are being investigated in many domains. This review’s objective is to provide an overview of the rapidly developing field of medicinal chemistry’s nanorobotics and its potential applications in disease detection, treatment, and prevention.

Method: Several articles and newsletters are considered and used as a reference to collect information regarding nano and microbots and a brief information was written in accordance to use in medicine delivery.

Results: Various review articles were taken into consideration to provide a deep knowledge on the utilization of nano and microbots in drug delivery and treatment therapy of several diseases.

Conclusions: The main parts of the robots and the many kinds of nanobots are covered separately. The future perspective and initiatives that can help us realize our dreams of creating small robots that can move around inside our bodies, administering medication with previously unattainable precision, locating and eliminating infected cells, and most importantly making science fiction, a reality is finally covered.


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How to Cite

Tadikonda RR, Aditya A. Nanobots: The future of drug delivery. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 20 [cited 2024 Oct. 19];65(4):392-408. Available from:



Review Articles