Bibliometric and thematic analysis of scientific production on drug-related problems (DRP) indexed in the Scopus bibliographic database


  • Laura Martínez-Aguilar Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Granada
  • María Sanz-Lorente Centro de Salud Pública, Consellería de Salud Universal y Salud Pública, Manises. Valencia
  • Fernando Martínez-Martínez Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Granada
  • María J. Faus Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Granada
  • Javier Sanz-Valero Salud Pública e Historia de la Ciencia. Univ. Miguel Hernández. Elche



Drug-Related Problems, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Indicators, Subject Headings, Scopus, Drug-Related Side Effects, Adverse Reactions, Medication Errors;, Human


Introduction: To analyze, using bibliometric techniques, the scientific production on drug-related problem (DRP) indexed in the Scopus bibliographic database.

Method: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Data were obtained from the Scopus database, querying with the term “drug-related problem” in the registration fields of title, abstract and keywords; final search date January 2024.

Results: A total of 2992 references were obtained. The annual relationship of the number of publications showed a direct linear regression model (R2 = 0.8; p < 0.001). The most frequent document type was the original article with 2455 (82.1%) references, with a productivity index of 3.4. Papers published in 26 different languages were identified, with English being the predominant language with 2607 (87.1%) papers. There was a statistically significant correlation between JCR and CiteScore impact indicators (R = 0.7, p = 0.005). A total of 40659 keywords (KW) were found, with an average of 13.6 KW per paper. The most used KW was Human, in 2411 (5.9%) times.

Conclusions: Taking into account all previously mentioned, it could be concluded: This study showed that research in the field of DRPs has experienced a steady growth over the years, although it has not yet reached exponential growth. The original article was the most common type of document in scientific production. There was a clear Anglo-Saxon influence, both in terms of language and institutional affiliation. The lack of use of standardized language was evident.


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How to Cite

Martínez-Aguilar L, Sanz-Lorente M, Martínez-Martínez F, Faus MJ, Sanz-Valero J. Bibliometric and thematic analysis of scientific production on drug-related problems (DRP) indexed in the Scopus bibliographic database. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2024 Jun. 20 [cited 2024 Jun. 30];65(3):202-16. Available from:



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