

  • Español
  • Español


In the work which we present we make a retrospective study on the use of vegetable drugs in the popular therapeutics, following its evolution and posterior permanence in the Spanish Pharmacopoeias. We get surprised of the number of therapeutic resources, obtained from Nature and used in diverse Spanish regions, and the sagaclty which reveal such knowledge. The consulted documental sources are giving us notice on what ocurred in Asturias, Navarra, Galicia, Gran Canaria and other information englobe multiple notices on Castilla, Aragón and Andalucia, in particular. For each ailment people have a remedy, some of these remedies are innocuous and ather less. However, these remedies were real and it has been difficult to find out this reality from diverse authors of disperse narratives, from traditions and from forgotten notes by ancient physicians. Today we study the panoramic of the popular therapeutics in Galicia, seeking the equivalence of the common name with the scientific one, and studyng its survival or disappearance from the Spanish pharmalogical panorama.


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How to Cite

Español, Español. Español. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 1980 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];22(1):115-2. Available from:



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