The pharmacy in Ronda during the XVlII century: arguments in order to the limitation of new openings of pharmacies




Through the establishment of one pharmacy in a district of the andalusian city of Ronda,

and of the case that puts that which they already existed at the same district, we study

the socio-econornic situation of the pharmacy in Ronda in the XVIII century, as well as

the public sentiment above the professional behavior ofthe apothecary and the manifestations,

patent, favorable to the Iimitation of the quantity of existent pharmacies.


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How to Cite

FERNÁNDEZ-CARRIÓN M. The pharmacy in Ronda during the XVlII century: arguments in order to the limitation of new openings of pharmacies. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 1995 Jun. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];36(2):243-56. Available from:



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