Evolution of mosses according to biflavonoid and triflavonoid composition: Prelirninary considerations




In this work we confirm that mosses are not primitive embryo-plants. They are

c\osely related to vascular plants, according to their biflavonoid and triflavonoid composition.


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How to Cite

LÓPEZ-SÁEZ JA, P ÉREz-ALONSO JM, VELASCo-NEGUERUELA A. Evolution of mosses according to biflavonoid and triflavonoid composition: Prelirninary considerations. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 1996 Mar. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];37(1):83-95. Available from: https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/ars/article/view/21860



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