Morphological achene study of 4 "climatic varieties" of moroccan cannabis MERZOUKI A., C ASARES, M . & MOLERO, J.


  • M. Casares
  • J. Molero


Cannabis, Achene, Morphology, Rif


Cannabis achenes from fourth c1imatic zones of Rif (North of Morocco) were

analysed for their morphological caracteristics (weight, length and SEM analysis). The

results reveal two forms of fixation assise, but these variations don't permit us to

distinguish variety or species.


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How to Cite

MERZOUKI A, Casares M, Molero J. Morphological achene study of 4 "climatic varieties" of moroccan cannabis MERZOUKI A., C ASARES, M . & MOLERO, J. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 1996 Jun. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];37(2):239-51. Available from:



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