Molecular radiosensitivity and tissular response to ionizing radiation treatment


  • M. I. NÚÑEZ
  • R. Guerrero
  • M .T. Valenzuela
  • E. López
  • M. Villalobos


radiosensibilidad, rupturas dob1es de cadena de DNA, fibroblastos, linfocitos, electroforesis de campo pulsado (PFGE).


The success of radiotherapy in eradicating tumours depends on the total radiation dose, but what limits this dose is the tolerance of the normal tissues within the treatment volume. In vitro studies involving fibroblast survival from cancer patients have demonstrated the theoretical feasibility of a predictive assay (the clonogenic assay) of radiation sensitivity. But such an assay is still far from clinical application. Alternative measures of radiosensitivity have been developed as predictive tests of radioresponse in order to avoid experimental errors. Among them, the initial "apparent" number of DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) induced by radiation has been quantified using Pulsed-Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE). This parameter has been considered as an alternative measure of cell radiosensitivity. In this work we show both, preliminary data and a review of the current knowledge about the molecular model application to the radiosensitivity study using two different normal cell types from the same cancer patient, epidermal skin cells and lymphocytes. A significant interindividual variation in the measured dsb (1-5 dsb/Gy/DNA unit) was demonstrated. A linear correlation was found between molecular damage in lymphocytes and skin samples from the same patient (p 0.005) simultaneously measured. These results suggest that the initial number of dsb could be used as an indicator of the normal tissue in vivo tolerance to radiation.


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How to Cite

NÚÑEZ MI, Guerrero R, Valenzuela M .T., López E, GARCÍA DEL MORAL R, Villalobos M, RUIZ DE ALMODÓVAR J. Molecular radiosensitivity and tissular response to ionizing radiation treatment . Ars Pharm [Internet]. 1997 Mar. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];38(2-3):165-7. Available from:



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