Molecular mechanism in the progression of kidney interstitial fibrosis


  • A. Olmo Sevilla
  • M. Aguilar Peña
  • F. O'Valle Ravassa


Intersticial renal fibrosis is associated to chronic glomerular diseases and nephrotoxicity caused by drugs, essentially cyclosporin A and Tacrolimus (FK506) in trasplanted patients and it is the most important factor by progressive renal insufficiency. Although increased endothelin (Et) is Known to induce chronic ischemia, and may be important in the genesis of interstitial fibrosis, other mediators of fibrogenesis have been implicated, eg, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-â) and angiotensin Il. In this article we review the normal histology of renal intertitium and the role of tubular lesion and extracellular matrix in the genesis of renal fibrosis. Moreover its regulation by paracrine and autocrine mechanisms linked to endothelins and TGF-â is reviewed.

Keywords: Interstitial fibrosis. Endothelins. TGF-â. Angiotensin Il. Interstitial matrix




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How to Cite

GARCÍA DEL MORAL R, RAMÍREZ TORTOSA M, Olmo Sevilla A, Aguilar Peña M, O’Valle Ravassa F. Molecular mechanism in the progression of kidney interstitial fibrosis . Ars Pharm [Internet]. 1997 Mar. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];38(2-3):151-63. Available from:



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