Trends of searches for information about Emtricitabina/Tenofovir and risky sexual behaviour (chemsex): ecological study


  • Beatriz Severá-Soria
  • María Sanz-Lorente
  • Javier Sanz-Valero Instituto de Salud Carlos III


Emtricitabine, Tenofovir, Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, Unsafe Sex, Infodemiology, Information Management, Information Literacy, Social Media, Chemsex, Google Trends


Objective: To know and relate the trends of searches for information about «Emtricitabina/Tenofovir» and risky sexual behaviour (chemsex).

Method: Ecological study of relative search volumes (RSV) obtained from the direct search for the tool «Google Trends», using the Searching Issues «Emtricitabina/Tenofovir» and «Chemsex», and «Truvada» like Searching Term. The searching period was from 1 january 2004 to 31 december 2019. Consultation date 16 january 2020.

Results: RSV = 100, maximum, was reached in july 2012 by «Emtricitabina/Tenofovir», being the relationship between terms: 100/97/10. The association between «Emtricitabina/Tenofovir» and «Truvada» was rather high (R = 0.99; p < 0,001). And the averages of RSV of «Emtricitabina/Tenofovir» and «Chemsex» were 25.68 and 14.41 respectively. The temporal progress of the term «Emtricitabina/Tenofovir» was linear (R2 = 0.62; p < 0.001), meanwhile for «Chemsex» was increased with exponential adjustment (R2 = 0.54; p < 0.001). The existent correlation between the RSV of the two analyzed terms showed significant direct association (R = 0.69; p < 0.001).

Conclusions: The observed milestones in the RSV coincide with moments associated with relevant events. A growth was proved along the time, in the search for information for the Themes Emtricitabina/tenofovir as well as for “chemsex”. Likewise, the relation between both Themes was proved. These conclusions could be connected with the increase of the risky sexual behaviour


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How to Cite

Severá-Soria B, Sanz-Lorente M, Sanz-Valero J. Trends of searches for information about Emtricitabina/Tenofovir and risky sexual behaviour (chemsex): ecological study. Ars Pharm [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 20 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];61(4):215-22. Available from:



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