Periphrastic constructions as a stylistic resource in the Spanish of Equatorial Guinea: a study based on the literary work of Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel



Spanish language, periphrasis, Equatorial Guinea, Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel


The Spanish language in Africa in general and its characterization constitutes the essence of our concerns. This article aims to demonstrate, based on a literary corpus, that one of the relevant features of Equatoguinean Spanish are periphrastic constructions as a stylistic resource, to overcome both qualitative and quantitative limitations at the lexical level. We start, by induction, from three novels by the Guinean author Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel to extend our conclusions to a large majority of Equatorial Guineans that we have observed both in Guinea and in Spain. The taste for circumlocutions and periphrases seems to reveal a situation of cultural hybridism and heterolinguism on the one hand; and a lexical insecurity on the other hand. The result can be seen in a hundred illustrations that we have cataloged using stylistic and grammatical criteria.

Author Biography

Issacar Nguendjo, Universidad de Dschang

Issacar Nguendjo es doctor por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, donde defendió una tesis doctoral sobre “la creación semántica y léxica en el español de Guinea Ecuatorial” en la facultad de Filología hispánica en 2007. Hoy catedrático en la Universidad de Dschang (Camerún), es coordinador del Master en Ciencias del Lenguaje, Literaturas y Culturas Hispánicos y director del laboratorio de investigaciones afro-hispánicas. Es autor de varias publicaciones que giran en torno a la descripción del español de Guinea Ecuatorial en particular y del español en contexto africano bantú en general, lo que él mismo denomina el español “afrohispanobantú”.


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How to Cite

Nguendjo, I. (2024). Periphrastic constructions as a stylistic resource in the Spanish of Equatorial Guinea: a study based on the literary work of Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel. VARIACIÓN. Revista De variación Y Cambio lingüistico, 1(1). Retrieved from


