What can literary theory do for truth?


  • María DO CEBREIRO RÁBADE VILLAR Universidad de Santiago de Compostela




Truth, Critics, Jonathan Culler, Literary Theory, Post-Structuralism


The article starts with the confirmation of a remarkable polarity to which we could cast, as Zizek (2006) would put it, a parallax view. We refer to the simultaneity, only apparently paradoxical, of two processes. On the one hand, the generalisation in the media of the term post-truth; on the other hand, the growing importance of the notion of truth in contemporary theoretical thinking. In order to shed light on the possible meaning of this relationship, we will start by shortly reviewing Jonathan Culler›s intellectual background, paying special attention to the prefaces of his renowned Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction (1997), where the author sees literary theory praxis as a questioning of common sense. Finally, we will try to recognise synoptically how post-structuralist tradition, one of Culler›s most analysed subjects, has dealt with the problem of truth and how, in the current curricular crisis that seems to especially affect humanities and literary studies, literary theory can contribute to critical thinking.


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How to Cite

DO CEBREIRO RÁBADE VILLAR, M. (2018). What can literary theory do for truth?. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 1(1), 51–64. https://doi.org/10.30827/tnj.v1i1.7781



Special Issue: Jonathan Culler: Theory now and again.