Critical theory today


  • Jonathan CULLER



Literary theory, Aesthetics, Narratology, Ecocriticism, Object-oriented ontology, Speculative Materialism


Recent publications argue about whether theory is dead but the proliferation of theoretical discourses and their diffusion creates a situation in which it is difficult to say what theory in the US has become. Nonetheless, it is possible to make some pertinent observations: the return of aesthetics has been accompanied by a decline in the importance of psychoanalysis. Two major developments are singled out: first, the revival of narratology, sometimes in connection with cognitive science, at other times in the form on an “unnatural narratology” that focuses on the myriad forms of strangeness in narrative; second, various versions of the so-called “post-human”, including ecocriticism, Human-animal studies, object-oriented ontology and speculative materialism.


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Albers, Jan et al., editor. A Poetics of Unnatural Narrative. Ohio State University Press, 2013.

____. Unnatural Narratives, Unnatural Narratology. De Gruyter, 2011.

Altman, Rick. Theory of Narrative. Columbia University Press, 2008.

Bennett, Jane. Vibrant Matter: A Political Ecology of Things. Duke University Press, 2010.

Bogost, Ian. Alien Phenomenology, or What it’s like to be a Thing. University of Minnesota Press, 2012.

Brown, Laura. Homeless Dogs and Melancholy Apes: Humans and Other Animals in the Modern Literary Imagination. Cornell University Press, 2010.

Calarco, Matthew. Zoographies: The Question of the Animal from Heidegger to Derrida. Columbia University Press, 2008.

Caruth, Cathy. Unclaimed Experience: Trauma, Narrative, and History. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996.

Derrida, Jacques. The Animal That Therefore I Am. Fordham University Press, 2008.

____. “The University Without Conditions”. Without Alibi, edited and translated by Peggy Kamuf. Stanford University Press, 2002

Eagleton, Terry. The Ideology of the Aesthetic. Blackwell, 1991.

Elliott, Jane and Derek Attridge, editors. Theory after Theory. Routledge, 2010.

Fludernik, Monika. Towards A “Natural” Narratology. Routledge, 1996.

Glotfelty, Cheryll, and Harold Fromm, editors. The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology. University of Georgia Press, 1996.

Gregg, Melissa, and Gregory Seigworth, editors. The Affect Theory Reader. Duke University Press, 2010.

Haraway, Donna. “A Cyborg Manifesto” (1985). Simians, Cyborgs and Women. Routledge, 1991.

____. When Species Meet. University of Minnesota Press, 2007.

Hayles, N. Katherine. How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatics. University of Chicago Press, 1999.

Hearne, Vicki. Adam’s Task. Knopf, 1986.

Herman, David. Story Logic: Problems and Possibilities of Narrative. University of Nebraska Press, 2002.

Latour, Bruno. Reassembling the Social – An Introduction to Actor-Network-Theory. Oxford University Press, 2005.

Leitch Vincent. Literary Criticism in the 21st Century: Theory Renaissance. Bloomsbury, 2014.

Leitch Vincent. Living with Theory. Blackwell, 2008.

Loesberg, Jonathan. A Return to Aesthetics. Stanford University Press, 2005.

Marshall, Kate. Novels by Aliens. University of Chicago Press, forthcoming.

Meillassoux, Quentin. After Finitude: An Essay on the Necessity of Contingency. Continuum, 2008.

Morton, Timothy. “Ecology as Text, Text as Ecology”. Oxford Literary Review, vol. 32. no. 1, 2010, pp. 1–17.

____. Ecology without Nature, Harvard, 2007.

Ngai, Sianne. Our Aesthetic Categories: Zany, Cute, Interesting. Harvard University Press, 2012.

____. Ugly Feelings. Harvard University Press, 2007.

Potts, Jason, and Daniel Stout. Theory Aside. Duke University Press, 2014.

Rancière, Jacques. Aesthetics and its Discontents. Columbia University Press, 2008.

____. Mute Speech. Columbia University Press, 2011.

Richardson, Brian. Unnatural Narrative. Ohio State University Press, 2015.

Sedgwick, Eve. Touching Feeling: Affect, Pedagogy, Performativity. Duke University Press, 2003.

Shaviro, Steven. The Universe of Things: On Speculative Realism. University of Minnesota Press, 2014.

Wolfe, Cary, editor. Zoontologies: The Question of the Animal. University of Minnesota Press, 2003.




How to Cite

CULLER, J. (2018). Critical theory today. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 1(1), 1–16.



Special Issue: Jonathan Culler: Theory now and again.