Writing in Front of the Mirror: Presente, by Tania Padilla





Tania Padilla, Presente, literature of the self, literary genre, truth, confessionality


In the broad and still not well-defined scenario of the “literature of the self”, Tania Padilla's latest book (Presente, 2024) poses a variety of critical and conceptual challenges. The questions affect the generic definition itself, the relationship with objectifiable truth and the configuration of the authorial voice. Based on the analysis of the text's formulations, we propose, rather than an answer, a rethinking of these questions, with an appreciation of the work's contributions to the opening up of literary space.


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Author Biography

Pedro Ruiz Pérez, Universidad de Córdoba

Catedrático de Literatura Española



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How to Cite

Ruiz Pérez, P. (2025). Writing in Front of the Mirror: Presente, by Tania Padilla. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 8(1), 189–214. https://doi.org/10.30827/tn.v8i1.31483


