Territorializing the Soul of the World

Preciado, Paul B. Dysphoria mundi. Barcelona, Anagrama, 2023.


  • Javier Antiñolo Rodríguez Universidad de Granada




Post-structuralism, Gender, Sexuality, Deleuze, Disphoria, Subjectivation, Identity


In Dysphoria mundi, his latest book, Paul B. Preciado proposes that we are currently experiencing a change of episteme, caused by the covid-19 pandemic. Always in direct dialogue with great representatives of post-structuralism such as Foucault or Derrida, he gives an account of the functioning of the technologies of our current regime, which he has named “petrosexorracial”. From a holistic and interdisciplinary perspective, Preciado incorporates instructions for concrete praxis into the description of contemporary forms of oppression, manifested in ideas such as sexual difference or the binary conception of gender. In the face of systemic and institutional violence, the author proposes alternative logics, new ways of thinking ―such as those demanded by antidisciplinary hybridisation or disidentification― that are accompanied by political strategies essential for resistance to reactionary currents of thought. Preciado proposes the deceleration of the rhythms of late capitalism as part of a social and cognitive restructuring necessary to draw new lines of flight.


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Deleuze, Gilles. Conversaciones. Traducido por José Luis Pardo, Valencia, Pre-Textos, 1996.

____. y Félix Guattari. El Anti Edipo. Capitalismo y esquizofrenia. Traducido por Francisco Monge, Barcelona, Paidós, 1985.

Foucault, Michel. Las palabras y las cosas. Traducido por Elsa Cecilia Frost, Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1968.



How to Cite

Antiñolo Rodríguez, J. (2024). Territorializing the Soul of the World: Preciado, Paul B. Dysphoria mundi. Barcelona, Anagrama, 2023. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 7(2), 242–247. https://doi.org/10.30827/tn.v7i2.30950


