New Trends in the Literature of Environmental Collapse


  • PIlar Andrade UCM



Collapsology, Certain impossible, Bruno Latour, Donna Hara, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Kim Stanley Robinson, Jean-Pierre Goux


This article deals with the new trends in the literature of environmental collapse, contextualizing them through recent theoretical studies about the subject (collapsology, Extinction Studies, Bruno Latour’s symmetrical anthropology, Jean-Pierre Dupuy’s enlightened catastrophism). The corpus is delimitated by three basic characteristics, articulated from a realistic intention: the modality of the impossible certain, a great amount of details and a nearby chronotope. The literary texts analyzed, in English and French, include these features and they are oriented towards a constructive end.


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How to Cite

Andrade, P. (2024). New Trends in the Literature of Environmental Collapse. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 7(2), 56–81.



Special Issue. Ecocriticism in the Twenty-First Century (and for the Centuries to Come): Plants, Animals, Futures