Comparative Thematology and Feminist Criticism: a Reflection on the Thematic Recurrence of Suicide in Nineteenth-Century Women’s Writing


  • Juan Pedro Martín Villarreal Universidad de Salamanca



comparative thematology, feminist criticism, women’s writing, suicide studies, 19th century literature


This article reflects on the methodological usefulness of the notions of women’s writing and feminine writing in the field of comparative thematology, and attempts to define them by applying them to a case study on the thematic recurrence of female suicide in nineteenth-century women's writing in Spain, Great Britain, and France. In this sense, a theoretical-comparative reflection is proposed, on which a literary analysis is based, which sheds light on the coincidences in the representation of certain problems and demands through the figure of the suicidal woman. The analysis of the narratives of Aurore Dupin (George Sand), Marie d'Agoult, Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Carolina Coronado, Mary Ann Evans (George Eliot), Mary Elizabeth Braddon, and Mona Caird allows us to observe the existence of a transnationally shared literary tradition, in which all of them contribute to redefining the literary motif of the mad and suicidal woman, dismantling the established stereotype.


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How to Cite

Martín Villarreal, J. P. (2024). Comparative Thematology and Feminist Criticism: a Reflection on the Thematic Recurrence of Suicide in Nineteenth-Century Women’s Writing. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 7(1), 133–154.



Special Issue: Aesthetics of Politics, Politics of Aesthetics