Crisis and Fear in Liquid Society: The Case of Claudia Piñeiro’s Las viudas de los jueves


  • Sonia Fernández Hoyos Université Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France



Zygmunt Bauman, liquid condition, crisis, Claudia Piñero, fear, literary criticism


Based on Zygmunt Bauman’s ideas on the liquid condition, the present paper proposes an analysis of how the effects of economic and social crises are constructed in Claudia Piñeiro’s Las viudas de los jueves [Thursdays’ Widows] (2005). The beginning of the twenty-first century has shown, with its various economic, social and political crises, the difficulties of living in times of uncertainty. Derived from these crises, fear occupies public and private spaces, in which a certain crystallization of hatred, daily forms of contempt and humiliation or the increase of mistrust towards others (as Carolin Emcke points out) are manifested. These issues will be analyzed on the basis of the radical historicity of literary discourse, that is, from a historical and feminist materialism.


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How to Cite

Fernández Hoyos, S. (2023). Crisis and Fear in Liquid Society: The Case of Claudia Piñeiro’s Las viudas de los jueves. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 6(2).



Special Issue: Thoughts on Crises. Ethical Approaches from Contemporary Literature and the Arts