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Market under Censorship

Translation and Publication of Foreign Literature in China




Literary Translation, Literature and State, China, Censorship, Publishing Market


The present work aims to describe and analyze the panorama of the translation and publication of foreign literature in China, focusing on two fundamental factors: market and censorship. Since the 1980s, the partial opening of the publishing market has fostered an apparent prosperity for translated literature, which has profoundly influenced Chinese readers, authors, and literary critics. However, persistent censorship continues to be practiced with changing and unpredictable criteria that defend the interests of the ruling power. Consequently, in a market controlled and distorted by an authoritarian regime, professionals in the Chinese publishing sector are forced to collaborate with censorship in various ways that harm the literary ecosystem and the healthy development of sociocultural discourse. This research has as its theoretical framework the sociology of literature and Polysystem Theory and is based on published information on the topic in question and the analysis of some specific examples.


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How to Cite

Li, C. (2024). Market under Censorship: Translation and Publication of Foreign Literature in China. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 7(1), 64–87.



Special Issue: Aesthetics of Politics, Politics of Aesthetics