The Sons of the City. A New Paradigm of Living in Giorgio Agamben’s Work.
Giorgio Agamben, Citizenship, Deactivation, Political Ontology, UtopiaAbstract
This article examines, from an archaeological perspective, the dispositif of citizenship and its presence in the work of Giorgio Agamben. The article begins with an investigation of the discourses around the Athenian autochthonous myth that have intervened in the formation of the dispositif of citizenship. The centrality that Agamben grants to citizenship as a guiding concept of Western politics allows us to examine the place that it occupies in his work, not only as a diagnosis, but also as a prescriptive exercise of a new politics. Finally, the article studies some of the proposals that we can find on the deactivation of citizenship in different places of the work of the Italian philosopher.
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