Dwelling in the Word. Rose Ausländer and Poetry After Auschwitz


  • Anacleto Ferrer




Rose Ausländer, Mutterland, word, diaspora, poetry, Auschwitz


There are words that mysteriously entail a destiny. In the case of Rose Aus- länder (Czernowitz, 1901-Düsseldorf, 1988), the surname freely assumed after a brief marriage seems to unite the personal fatum with that of the Jewish people, the inveterate foreignness (Ausländer means foreigner in German) of one who never inhabited a homeland (Vaterland) she could call her own with the ancestral exile of the children of Judah. Forced into painful uprooting, Rose is aware from very early on that “God gave us / the word / and we dwell / in the word”, and that this is, in contrast to the shifting borders drawn by the arbitrariness of earthly power, the only locus of the human being, his maternal country, his motherland (Mutterland) in the diaspora.


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How to Cite

Ferrer, A. (2022). Dwelling in the Word. Rose Ausländer and Poetry After Auschwitz. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 5(2), 205–222. https://doi.org/10.30827/tn.v5i2.24632


