Form and Content: The Structuration of the Basque Cultural Field during the Francoism


  • Asier Amezaga



The Multiple Correspondence Analysis of the space of publications during the Francoism permits to trace back the structuration of the Basque cultural field, which is driven by the production and reproduction networks of the Basque culture and pursues the goal of the delimitation and legitimation of the cultural differences. This paper focuses on the dual –form and content— and hierarchical –according to genres and authors—structure of this field, the central role mandated to the language and the importance of the literature in its modernization and standardization. It places the generational gap in the different forms of incorporation of the language between the self-taught and religious habitus, from which the change of linguistic and literary valuation and perception principles are understood. Finally, it addresses the issue of the autonomy of the Basque literature in relation to cultural and political fields.


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How to Cite

Amezaga, A. (2022). Form and Content: The Structuration of the Basque Cultural Field during the Francoism. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 5(1), 50–76.



Field Theory Between Small/Minor Literatures and World Literature