"What is at Stake is a Libertarian Pulse where Critical Theory and Textual Practices, the Poetical and the Political, Converge in a Wide and Radical Sense". Interview with Antonio Méndez Rubio"


  • Raul Molina Gil Universitat de València
  • Antonio Méndez Rubio Universitat de València




In the following interview, Antonio Méndez Rubio reflex about the achievements of his literary, theoretical and cultural thoughts. In the dialogue with Raúl Molina Gil, he tackles questions about the relationship between poetic ant Theory, about the need for criticism to allow one to go through the apparent in order to notice the hidden, the will to stablish a necessarily anti-fascist gaze or the differences between Spain and Latin America regarding the reading and the application of the Theory. All this, based on the most relevant terms and ideas that he has raised throughout his essays, such as low intensity fascism.


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How to Cite

Molina Gil, R., & Méndez Rubio, A. (2021). "What is at Stake is a Libertarian Pulse where Critical Theory and Textual Practices, the Poetical and the Political, Converge in a Wide and Radical Sense". Interview with Antonio Méndez Rubio". Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 4(2), 233–248. https://doi.org/10.30827/tn.v4i2.21925


