The Link Between Foucault's Writing and the Ontology of Ourselves
Writing, Foucault, Modern Ethos, Language, Experience, Practice of SelfAbstract
The objective of this article is to show the possibility of linking writing with the ontology of ourselves. This article is divided into two sections, one that analyzes the objective part of the circulation of writing and the other that analyzes the subjective part of writing. In the first part, the way in which Foucault considers books and the objective circulation of writing, in their material effects, will be shown in four different ways: as a toolbox, as a weapon, as an experience and as an event. In the second part, the subjective part of writing is analyzed, which refers to the writer subject. The texts A danger that seduces and “The writing of oneself” will be analyzed to address writing from subjectivity. This article will show that the assembly between the objective and subjective part of writing can be done through the modern ethos, and that it is consistent
with the proposal of the Foucaultian ontology of ourselves.
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