Figural Materialism: Critique and Ideology in Fredric Jameson
Fredric Jameson, allegory and literary interpretation, critique of ideology, Marxist hermeneutics, figural materialism.Abstract
The present paper offers a retrospective reading of dialectic criticism in Fredric Jameson’s latest work, Allegory and Ideology (2019). This book revises the main ideas of his method of critique of ideology by using as its central heuristic and applicative concept the notion of “allegory”, both in the sense of an age-old constructive trope and as a new totalizing interpretive category. The paper shall assess the validity and reach of Jameson’s Marxist hermeneutics for the analysis of ideology in literature and other cultural forms. In addition, it will evaluate the potential of his neo-allegorical reading strategies for postulating a “figural materialism” capable of responding to the contradictions and recurring crises of modern culture and its latest developments.Downloads
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