Introduction. Thinking About Images: Georges Didi-Huberman


  • Irene Valle Corpas Universidad de Granada



The monograph we are publishing here brings together a heterogeneous and valuable set of studies born from the interest that, in recent years and across diverse fields and geographies, has emerged from the epistemological opening promoted by the philosopher and art historian Georges Didi-Huberman. In addition to these works, the volume presents one more attraction, as it contains an unpublished text of Didi-Huberman’s authorship and a long, conversational interview with professors Gabriel Cabello Padial and Irene Valle Corpas, in which the French philosopher comments on some of the important stages in his career, discusses his most recent interests and provides important references regarding his particular way of working with and from images.


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Author Biography

Irene Valle Corpas, Universidad de Granada

Soy doctoranda en el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Granada. Actualmente trabajo en mi tesis sobre la periferia urbana como paisaje en el cine europeo de los años sesenta y en concreto en la cinematografía de Jean-Luc Godard bajo la dirección de Esperanza Guillén y Manuel Borja-Villel. Además trabajo en un proyecto de investigación financiado por el Mineco en la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, centro en el que realicé mis estudios de máster en Estudios Comparados en Literatura Arte y Pensamiento. He publicado artículos sobre historiografía del arte y sobre arte contemporáneo y espacio urbano.



How to Cite

Valle Corpas, I. (2020). Introduction. Thinking About Images: Georges Didi-Huberman. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 3(2), 1–4.



Special Issue: "Thinking About Images: Georges Didi Huberman"