Between the partage du sensible and the image critique. About a discussion between Jacques Rancière and Georges Didi-Huberman


  • Gabriel Cabello Padial Universidad de Granada



Jacques Rancière, Georges Didi-Huberman, theory of images, dialectical image, distribution of the sensible, people, Romanticism


The aim of this article is to offer the lines of discussion that Jacques Rancière and Georges Didi-Huberman have been holding for some years now. From the interpellation that Didi-Huberman in 2013 to Rancière, we go through the texts in which they have been taking a position, in order to delineate the crosses and distancing between the two approaches. An approach to images ultimately indebted to the Schillerian free play as an instrument for putting in suspension the order and as a prefiguration of an emancipated community, and one that comes from an anthropological perspective enriched by psychoanalysis, phenomenology and dialectics where attention to “sensitive crystallizations” is the starting point.


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How to Cite

Cabello Padial, G. (2020). Between the partage du sensible and the image critique. About a discussion between Jacques Rancière and Georges Didi-Huberman. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 3(2), 22–38.



Special Issue: "Thinking About Images: Georges Didi Huberman"