Untrappings at the mercy of certain plagiarisms by anticipation and fireflies sanctities in literature and art. For an ex-converso weaning of albumined glimpses and dawned theoretical-artistic-literary anxieties
Writing(s), Unconsciousness, Blow-upped Phenomenology, , Implied Psychoanalysis, Renovated Dialectics, Georges Didi-Huberman, Literary Theory & Comparative Literature, ArtsAbstract
We will bring here a serial pre-writings (perhaps outjoined and rejoined to the light of different impossible authorizations: in the teaching of a certain ignorant mastery, in the decentralized practice of a radically voluntary unserfdom and, in short, in the inessential but very effective barbarism of our True Absent Life. Of course, all this, under the crucial reading of some capolavori of the great Georges Didi-Huberman. Ex converso we give as well, then, and as it is: casting it into oblivion, putting it on stage, leaving it to the throes of various brotherhoods. And in a scene like this, in addition, where rumination is established by writing against the text itself. Another way (symptomatic, phenomenological and dialectical) of wanting to introduce a little Gründlichkeit into the caprice. This, of course, concerns the essay and the work in progress and the writing in process. An so on...Downloads
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