For a literary genesis of the "aesthetics of existence": Pasolini, Barthes, Foucault


  • Davide Luglio Sorbonne Université



Pasolini, aesthetics of existence, language, power, artwork, life


The hypothesis we would like to formulate is that of an analogy between the capacity of artistic expression to escape from the grip of power and the concept of "aesthetics of existence" as elaborated by Michel Foucault in the early eighties. The basis of this analogy lies in what we would call a textualisation of life: life is seen as a language and on this basis it can be thought of - "written" and "read" - as a text. This extension of the field of language to life occupies an important place in Roland Barthes' last works, but it had been postulated before him by Pier Paolo Pasolini.

Pasolini is the first to consider that life can, indeed should, be considered from a perspective that is both political and aesthetic. In Poeta delle ceneri, Pasolini states that one can "write poetry with life". The Italian poet thus opens the way for ethical and political reflection on life as a work of art, and on the work as an example of resistance to the grip of power and as a model in the process of subjectification.


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How to Cite

Luglio, D. (2020). For a literary genesis of the "aesthetics of existence": Pasolini, Barthes, Foucault. Theory Now. Journal of Literature, Critique, and Thought, 3(1), 148–160.



Monográfico:"Self-writing: an Ethopoietic Practice"