The Contemporary Flanêur and its Displacement Towards the Urban Periphery Approaches From Comtemporary Murcian Photography
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This article analyses the displacement of the flâneur toward contemporary urban peripheries, where his personality and activity are redefined. It argues that the city's margins offer fertile ground for observation and social critique, providing new perspectives for this character in the present day. The analysis is grounded in a review of the concepts of flâneur and periphery, and their treatment in contemporary photography, which is complemented by a study of three photographic projects: No soy de aquí by Gustavo Alemán, Cauce Oculto by Julián Garnés, and A Place to Be, carried out jointly. These projects capture the Murcian peripheries through a close yet distant gaze, where remembrance hybridizes with estrangement. Likewise, they document the landscape and fluid identity of these liminal zones, while reflecting on the social and political dynamics that shape them.