Female Puzzle Bodies in the Drift of Serial Fantasy Silent Films





Body, Cut, Fantastic, Female, Silent cinema


The main object of study in this research is the cut of the female body in the Spanish fantastic silent cinema, by designing its own methodology of analysis, which will be called the Triple Cut. The evolution of the different cuts that cross the bodies will be analysed in the drift of the first very scarce Spanish fantastic serial, such as the works of Alberto Marro with La secta de los misteriosos (1916) and Hispano Films or Magín Murià with El beso de la muerte (1917) and the Barcinógrafo.


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Author Biography

Sara Calvete-Lorenzo, Professor and PhD Grupo de Estudios Audiovisuales, Univ. Santiago de Compostela

Born in A Coruña and passionate about cinema and the sea. Graduate in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Vigo and Pompeu Fabra University, Master in Communication and Creative Industries from the University of Santiago de Compostela and Master in Film Editing from the School of Cinematography and Audiovisuals of Catalonia (ESCAC). Currently, Professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Ideation and Audiovisual Narrative and Theory and Analysis of Television (Department of Communication, USC), predoctoral contracted by the Audiovisual Studies Group where she is developing the thesis O Triplo Corte: como despedazar o corpo na pantalla (The Triple Cut: how to tear apart the body on screen).

She worked for two years as a Science Communication Technician at CITEEC (Centre for Technological Innovation in Building and Civil Engineering of the University of A Coruña) and from 2015 to 2017 she worked as a Research and Development Communicator at CACTUS (Centre for Support to Science and Technology of the USC).

As a filmmaker, she is currently distributing the short film Cafeína (co-direction, script and co-editing), selected in multiple festivals and winner of 6 international awards.


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How to Cite

Calvete-Lorenzo, Sara. 2023. “Female Puzzle Bodies in the Drift of Serial Fantasy Silent Films”. Quiroga. Revista De Patrimonio Iberoamericano, no. 22 (October):26-38. https://doi.org/10.30827/quiroga.v0i22.0002.



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