The use of graphic sources in Hispanic America. The biombo of the Navarre Museum


  • Jose Miguel Morales Folguera Universidad de Málaga. Departamento de Historia del Arte


Biombo, Grafic sources, Home furniture, Niew Spain art, Navarre Museum


Unlike what happens mostly in Spanish-American painting, which is essentially religious, domestic furniture is often decorated with very varied scenes, that go from humanistic, emblematic to mythological themes. This article analyzes the use made by Spanish-American painters of European graphic sources for the decorations of the furniture of the elites, focusing especially on the models used in the biombo owned by the Museum of Navarre.


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Author Biography

Jose Miguel Morales Folguera, Universidad de Málaga. Departamento de Historia del Arte

Catedrático de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Málaga. Ha impartido conferencias en universidades y museos americanos y europeos. Ha organizado exposiciones y congresos de ámbito nacional e internacional. Ha publicado numerosos libros y artículos relacionados con la Historia del Arte, la emblemática, la fiesta barroca y los jardines históricos en Europa y en Hispanoamérica.



How to Cite

Folguera, Jose Miguel Morales. 2019. “The Use of Graphic Sources in Hispanic America. The Biombo of the Navarre Museum”. Quiroga. Revista De Patrimonio Iberoamericano, no. 15 (June):44-58.


