Política de detección de plagio

In compliance with the provisions of our code of ethics and in order to guarantee the originality of the manuscripts submitted for evaluation, the Publications journal will apply the specific anti-plagiarism software  turnitin  to each of the papers that, due to meeting the minimum criteria of the preliminary review, are to undergo the review process.

The submission will be rejected if plagiarism or scientific fraud is detected, either during the preliminary review or once the external peer review and/or editorial review has begun.

About retractions and errors.

The already published article in which misconduct was identified will remain indexed in the Quiroga database. Revista de Patrimonio Iberoamericano in the condition of retraction. The retraction documents the reason for the retraction, duly referenced, by communication from the author or editor or other authorized agent, and published in the same journal. The retraction can be partial when the misconduct applies to a specific part of the article, without compromising the whole of the published research. The article may not be "unpublished".

Cases of errors or failures, regardless of their nature or origin, that do not constitute misconduct, are corrected through errata.

The journal will publish errata, corrections or retractions as quickly as possible.

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