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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • ES: La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
    EN: The paper has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (if so, an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • ES: El fichero enviado está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o WordPerfect.
    EN: The submitted file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • ES: Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
    EN: Weblinks have been added for references where possible.
  • ES: El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.
    EN: The paper complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in About the Journal.
  • ES: Si esta enviando a una sección de la revista que se revisa por pares, tiene que asegurase que las instrucciones en Asegurando de una revisión a ciegas han sido seguidas.
    EN: If you are submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you must ensure that the instructions in Assuring a blind review have been followed.

Author Guidelines


Download HERE the Good Practices Guide in PDF format.

Download HERE the Declaration of Authorship Form in DOC format.

Download HERE the templates to fill in the personal data and the template for the article.


QUIROGA. JOURNAL OF IBEROAMERICAN HERITAGE: Quiroga is an electronic journal that publishes original and unpublished articles,
interviews and reviews of publications referring to cultural processes related to the Ibero-American historical and artistic heritage.


The maximum length will be 30,000 characters, spaces included, for the Articles section and 5,000 characters, spaces included, for the bibliographical reviews.


The evaluation process of Quiroga. Revista de Patrimonio Iberoamericano uses a double-blind review, which helps to preserve the anonymity of both the author of the text and the evaluators. The Editorial Committee will decide on the publication based on the reports, of which there will be at least two. If an article does not conform to the general line of the journal, it will be returned to its author without further evaluation. The  ditorial Board will notify the author of the decision taken on his/her paper. In case of acceptance, the Editorial Committee may also attach the list of modifications suggested by the reviewers. The final decision to publish a text may be conditional on these modifications by the author, who will have six months to resubmit the text. After this period, the article will either repeat the entire evaluation process or be rejected. Both the rejected article and the evaluation report will be kept in the journal´ s archive.


Authors will submit their papers through this web platform once they have registered as users.
If you already have a user name and password for Revista Quiroga
If you need a username and/or password
Registration and login are required both to submit papers and to check the status of the editorial process.
Images will be sent in jpg/jpeg or tiff format in separate files, never included in the text.
For any queries or clarifications, please write to the following address:

Or the postal address below:

Quiroga. Revista de Patrimonio Iberoamericano
Departamento de Historia del Arte
Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
Campus de Cartuja s/n
18071 Granada, Spain.

The following information should be included in the personal data template: title of the article, name of the author(s), ORCID code of each author, professional affiliation, brief curriculum vitae (maximum 500 characters including spaces) and support received for the study in the form of grants, equipment or financial resources (if any).

The title shall not be longer than 80 characters including spaces. A translation into English must be included if the contributions are in a different language. The translated title shall be placed in a different lane. It will be considered as a positive element to include in the title descriptors from a specialized thesaurus. In the case of presenting any subtitle, this shall be separated from the title by a full stop. It will have a maximum length of 80 characters including spaces. Abbreviations are not allowed in the title.

Although Quiroga respects the name given by the authors, we recommend following the following structure: Name, SURNAME. In case of having more authors, the names shall be separated by “;”. Concerning the order in which authors should appear, the journal shall respect the one proposed by contributors; nevertheless, articles with more than 3 names shall not be accepted due to design and layout reasons.

The affiliations details are compulsory. In this case, the complete form shall be used and presented as follows: “University of Granada. Department of Art History. Faculty of Philosophy and Letters”. Next will be placed the city (in case of not specified in the institutional information) and the country, separated by a comma “Granada, Spain”

The article template will contain an abstract and keywords in the original language and English. The maximum length shall be 500 characters, including spaces. The use of abbreviations should be avoided. The maximum number of keywords allowed will be 5 and for this purpose, it is advisable to refer to the following link:

Keywords should be separated by commas, alphabetically ordered and with the first letter capitalized. The same rule applies to English words.

Structure of the contributions. The maximum length, as already specified, for articles shall be 30.000 characters including spaces; for Varia 7.000 characters will be allowed, and 5.000 for Book Reviews. The text shall have 2,5 margins on each side of the page (this should be configured as pre-establish by Word), and separation between paragraphs of 6 points. The length of the lines and the spacing between characters will be predetermined by the chosen font. Authors shall use 1,5 interlineate and the page numbers in the bottom left margin with Arabic numbers, starting from the third page of the paper. The font shall be Times New Roman, 12 for the text, and 10 for endnotes. The chapter titles shall be presented in bold and capital letters, with a Font size of 12, whereas the sub-chapters shall have 12 font size, bold and lower case letters. The enumeration will follow the following structure:

  1. / 2. / 2.2. /2.2.1 / / ...

Quotations integrated within the text that do not exceed five lines should be placed between quotation marks "".

Quotations longer than five lines will be exempt quotations and must appear separated from the main text, without quotation marks and presented as a block with an indentation and in 11 font.

The names of works of art (paintings, sculptures or engravings -not buildings-), as well as the titles of books, magazines, or films should be in italics.

In no case, textual quotations should be in italics.

Notes or bibliographical quotations should be at the end of the text, numbered consecutively, and preceded by the word "NOTES" in capital letters.

Arabic numerals should also be used.

Superscripts of notes should always precede punctuation marks, for example:

... this is an example1. This is an ...

... this is an example2, these are...

... this is an example "3.

Tables and images.

A maximum of five tables per paper shall be allowed (in case they are not illustrations; then they will count as images and not as tables). Tables will be numbered in Arabic numeral, followed by title, headline and inscription. 1,0 interlineate shall be applied. The table or tables should be placed after the final notes. In the case of including abbreviators, those will be adapted to the general norms of the journal. The font shall be the same as used in the manuscript.

A maximum of ten illustrations per paper shall be allowed. Those shall be sent as separate files in format JPG/JPEG or TIFF (300ppp resolution), not being, in any case, heavier than 2 MB. Its place in text shall be indicated by footnotes, including the sentence “INSERT HERE IMAGE 1”.

An image can be composed of a maximum of two photographs. Composite or "collage" type images will not be allowed, that is, an image is made up of three or more images. If so, each photograph with which said image is composed will count individually even if they are in a single file.

At the same time, their quality shall be acceptable for publication. The size of each image will be adapted to the final edition of the manuscript. All the images that do not fulfil those requirements shall not be accepted. In a separate file, authors should send a list with the titles of all the images, including number, title, author and date. Please consider the following example: 

Fig. 1. Author. Title of the work. Technique. Date. Location of the work. City. Country. Copyright (or in its absence Photograph: Author).

Fig. 1. Eduardo Lozano Vistuer. Genius and figure. Engraving. 1993. Iconographic Museum of Don Quixote. Guanajuato. Guanajuato. Mexico. Copyright (or failing that, Photograph: Author).

Please do not include personal data of the author or references that expressly indicate the author's gender to benefit the peer review process.

The journal is not responsible for copyrights derived from the images included in the articles, which will correspond to those who sign the papers.

Appendixes and annexes.

Appendixes and annexes will be admitted in case they are necessary for the manuscript. Both shall be placed at the end of the text, without numeration.

Use of abbreviations, acronyms and symbols.

Abbreviations, acronyms and symbols are accepted (not in the article and chapter titles). Those will follow the established guidelines of the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española (RAE):


Bibliographic reviews should have a maximum of 5,000 characters, including spaces. At the beginning of the document, the complete information of the book reviewed should be included, following the generic style rules of the journal. The total number of pages and illustrations contained in the book should also be indicated, as well as whether they are reproduced in colour, black and white, or both; taking the following as an example:

Henares Cuéllar, Ignacio y López Guzmán, Rafael. Arquitectura Mudéjar Granadina (2a edición). Granada: Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2020, 276 págs., 106 ils. color, 13 ils. b/n. ISBN: 978-84-338-6653-0.

At the end of the text shall appear the author´s full name and her/his affiliation details, including Department and University.

The text will be accompanied by an image of the book cover in colour, with an optimal resolution for reproduction, with a minimum of 300 dpi. Both files should be sent via e-mail to the following address:


Attention should be paid to punctuation, abbreviations and the order of the references, as well as the full names and surnames of the authors, avoiding using initials.

The bibliography should comply with the UNE-ISO 690 standard and should adhere to the following guidelines:


MORALES FOLGUERA, José Miguel. Tunja. Atenas del Renacimiento en el Nuevo Reino de Granada. Málaga: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad, 1998, pág. 77.

When there are three or more authors in the same monograph, the use of et. al. shall be avoided, as follows:

VV.AA. Alonso Cano y su época. Sevilla: Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura, 2002.

Reference a contribution within a monography with several authors:

HENARES CUÉLLAR, Ignacio. “La historia del arte como instrumento operativo en la gestión y protección del patrimonio”. En: CASTILLO OREJA, Miguel Ángel (Coord.). Centros históricos y conservación del patrimonio. Madrid: Fundación Argentaria y Visor, 1998, págs. 79-92.

Reference an article in a journal:

ESPINOSA SPÍNOLA, Gloria. “Arquitectura y espiritualidad en los conventos novohispanos del siglo XVI”. Tiempos de América (Castellón), 18 (2011), págs. 65-93.

Reference a conference proceeding:

CASTILLO OREJA, Miguel Ángel. “De arquitectura y arquitectos de Antigua: Sobre la reelaboración de modelos y sus fuentes de referencia”. En: XIII Congreso del CEHA. Ante el nuevo milenio, raíces culturales, proyección y actualidad del arte español. Vol. 2. Granada: Editorial Comares, 2000, pág. 667.

Reference a thesis:

CONTRERAS-GUERRERO, Adrián. In Ligno Facta: artes escultóricas de los siglos XVII y XVIII en Colombia. Tesis Doctoral. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2018.

Reference a previously cited work

If the work cited immediately precedes: Ibid, p. 40.


If you then need to refer back to the same work, please abbreviate: Ibid. or Ibid. p. 62.

If the work cited does not immediately precede it:  MORALES FOLGUERA, José Miguel. Tunja. Atenas del Renacimiento... Op. cit., pág. 32.

CASTILLO OREJA, Miguel Ángel. “De arquitectura y arquitectos de Antigua...". Op. cit., pág. 667.

Archive references:

The first time an archive document is cited reference will be made to the full name of the said document with the abbreviation in brackets and the remaining occasions only the abbreviation. Thus:

Archivo General de la Nación de Colombia (AGNC). Colonia, Residencias Boyacá, leg. 1, fols. 609r-610r. Pleito entre Juan de Rojas, pintor, y Antonio Jove, corregidor y justicia mayor de Tunja, por el pago de una pintura mural de la casa de cabildo. 1590.

AGNC. Notarías Bogotá, n. 1ª, t. 157, fols. 552r-556r. Cristóbal López de Vergara y María Rosalía de Santamaría se otorgan poder mutuo para testar. 17/10/1736.

In addition to citation rules

If the researcher encounters any other form of citation not mentioned in this guide, authors are requested to complete their references using the UNE-ISO 690:2013 Standards.


They should be cited according to the usual system used for paper documents, including the web page and the following at the end: [Date of access: dd/mm/yyyy].


MORALES FOLGUERA, José Miguel. “El uso de fuentes gráficas en Hispanoamérica. El biombo del Museo de Navarra”. Quiroga. Revista de Patrimonio Iberoamericano (Granada), 15 (2019), págs. 44-58. Disponible en: [Fecha de acceso: 20/03/2021].

For specific cases and where appropriate, some new information should be included: date of creation, date of access, availability and access, media type and version (the latter only in the case of software).

Citation of documents and databases. The style for citing documents in any of the electronic formats must maintain the following structure: Author/Responsible person. Date of publication on paper; date of publication on the Internet; updated on (date of update). Title. Edition. Place of publication. Publisher. [Type of medium] Availability and access. Media format and notes. [Date of access].

IMPORTANT: Note for entering metadata on the platform

When uploading your article and images to Quiroga. Revista de Patrimonio Iberoamericano: We remind you that you should only fill in the sections with a red asterisk, the keywords should be entered in alphabetical order in both Spanish and English and in the "Citations" section, you should only include the bibliographical references that you have cited in the notes of the article, not the textual notes, that is, in this section you should include the bibliography in alphabetical order, which will be following the editorial regulations of the journal. Authors are kindly requested to comply with this request.


The papers and reviews published in Quiroga, in their electronic version, are the property of the journal, being necessary to cite their source when required. Unless otherwise indicated, all the contents of the electronic edition of Quiroga are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial Use 3.0 Spain (CC-by-nc 3.0) licence for use and distribution. The indication of the licence of use and distribution, CC-by-nc, must be expressly stated in this way when necessary. You can consult the informative version and the legal text of this licence in the following links. [1] [2]

Users may make a reasonable number of printed copies for their personal use or educational or research purposes.

Download HERE the Good Practice Guide in PDF format.

Download HERE the Authorship Declaration Form in DOC format.


The languages accepted by Quiroga. Revista de Patrimonio Iberoamericano are English, Spanish and Portuguese, as these are the main languages in its scientific field. Publication in other languages will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Editorial Board. This policy affects all sections of the journal.


This journal is constantly working to promote gender equality and therefore suggests following the specific recommendations for the use of inclusive language in published works.


Under good editorial practice for the publication of scientific journals, an "author" of a published work is considered to be a person who has made a significant intellectual contribution to it. In this journal, authors are asked to indicate, when they have not contributed equally, the degree of contribution of each researcher in a section titled "Contributing authorship" located at the end of the article, before the list of bibliographical references.

The list of authors should include only those who have contributed intellectually to the development of the work, for instance, by having helped in the data gathering data or having participated in some technique are not in themselves sufficient criteria to be listed as an author. To assume responsibility for the content of an article, the author must have played a significant role in its conception and development and must agree with the final version of the paper. In general, the following requirements must be met in order to be listed as an author:

- To have participated in the conception and design of the paper or the gathering, analysis and/or interpretation of the data used to write the paper.

- To have participated in the drafting of the text and possible revisions.

- To have approved the version that will finally be published.

Esta revista declina cualquier responsabilidad sobre posibles conflictos derivados de la autoría de los trabajos que publica. sigue el árbol de decisiones recomendado por la COPE en caso solicitud de cambio de autoría de un manuscrito recibido o de un artículo ya publicado (


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.