About the Journal

Focus and scope

Quiroga is conceived as an interdisciplinary publication aimed at critical analysis and investigation of the cultural processes related to the historical-artistic heritage that take place in the Ibero-American sphere. Any type of work that falls within the following thematic lines will be accepted:

  • Studies on historical and artistic heritage.
  • Exchanges and artistic relations.
  • Visual culture in contemporary society.
  • Borders, migrations and exiles.
  • Iconography and emblematic.
  • Dissemination, guardianship and interpretation of heritage.


The publication of this journal is intended for the academic community and other art history professionals, as well as any other discipline interested in the field of Ibero-American cultural heritage.






Peer review process

The Editorial Board of the Magazine reserves the right to decide whether or not to publish the article, after an external evaluation by two specialists. The final decision will be communicated to the author and, if it is not positive, the material received will be immediately destroyed. Likewise, in certain cases, the Editorial Office may contact the authors indicating the possible modifications that would make the publication of the article possible.

All manuscripts considered for publication will be sent to external evaluators, except those that are expressly requested by the Editorial Board itself.

Publication frequency

Annual magazine, an annual volume composed of two fascicles published in the month of October.

Open access policy

This is an Open Access journal that provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making research freely available to the public, which encourages greater global knowledge sharing.

Users are authorized to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles in this journal without prior permission from the publisher or author, in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access. The reuse of the works can be done under the terms of the license "CREATIVE COMMONS RECOGNITION-NON-COMMERCIAL 3.0 SPAIN" (CC-by-nc). You can consult from here the informative version and the legal text of the license.

Our journal complies with the recommendations for the implementation of article 37 Open Access Dissemination of the Science, Technology and Innovation Law:

  • Authors whose contributions are accepted for publication in this journal will retain the non-exclusive right to use their contributions for academic, research, and educational purposes, including self-archiving or deposit in open access repositories of any kind.
  • Preferably, the use of the published version of the scientific contributions (editor's post-print version) or, failing that, the author's post-print version already evaluated and accepted, will be openly accessible as soon as possible. possible, as the journal does not impose any embargo period.


This journal does not charge authors any cost for submitting or processing articles.