Телесный код Раскольникова в романе «Преступление и наказание»


  • Jasmina Vojvodić University of Zagreb

Palabras clave:

Raskolnikov’s body code, “the Golyadkin phenomenon, ” changing clothes, still body, a hat, rebirth


The article analyses the body code of two pivotal protagonists of Dostoevsky’s prose: that of Mr. Golyadkin (The Double) and Raskolnikov (Crime and Punishment). Agitated gestures, sharp movements and fast dwellings through the urban landscape connect two protagonists (so called “the Golyadkin phenomenon”; Dryzhkova, 2008). A special analytical attention is given to the manner of behavior of Porfiry Petrovich (which is methodologically treated as a kind of theatricality) because Raskolnikov aims to escape his followers, and in doing so, uses an apt descriptive gesture of “brat’ furazhku.” The semantics of Raskolnikov’s hat (Kovshova, 2015) give an access to the analysis of manner of behavior of the main protagonist because after committing a murder, he replaces a hat with a forage cap. The main point of interest in this analysis is the fact that – due to his feverish behavior – Raskolnikov doesn’t change his outfit alone. It was Razumikhin who changes his clothes, gives him the new hat, and consequently returns him from the state of apathy, from his own symbolical “death.” The new clothes represent the new life of Raskolnikov, and enables his rebirth, his “return from the land of the dead.”


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Cómo citar

Vojvodić, J. (2017). Телесный код Раскольникова в романе «Преступление и наказание». Mundo Eslavo, (16), 309–320. Recuperado a partir de https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/meslav/article/view/17608



150º aniversario de la publicación de la obra “Crimen y castigo” de Dostoievski