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Vol. 71 (2022), Articles, pages 155-168
Submitted: Oct 16, 2022 Accepted: Dec 13, 2022 Published: Dec 26, 2022
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Abstract: there are few data we have about Moiz Habib, a 20th century author from Smyrna. Despite the fact that he possessed an axtensive production of more than a dozen works that came to light between 1921 and 1931, he only gained prominence in recent years thanks to the republication of some of his works from the fonds of Isräel S. Révah. The objective of these pages will be to shed light on the style developed by the autor and the topics that appear indissolubly in his romansos, or short novels, in Latin letters from his second stage (1931), such as love, the problem of belonging to a social class and death; the way in which his characters move between these spheres and the way in which the author justifies his actions.


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García Arévalo, T. M. (2022). On Love, Social Class and Death: The Literary Constants in the Romansos of Moiz Habib. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo, 71, 155–168.

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