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  • Ahmed Shafik
Vol. 70 (2021), Articles, pages 381-407
Submitted: Apr 6, 2020 Published: Jan 11, 2021
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It is well known that homoerotic texts, both verse and prose, play an important part in Medieval Arabic literature. However, there are some critical issues that still need to be addressed, especially in the Mamluk period, which was characterized in general terms by freedom of speech and tolerance of homosexuality. With a direct examination of the literary production of one of the most celebrated writers of the time, Ibn Dāniyāl, and drawing from both literary and folkloric traditions, this study examines the linguistic and literary features of his third play, al-Mutayyam wa-l-Yutayyim. The play is about male ho- mosexuality and can be considered an exponent of a society, life and sensitivity born in the heart of popular culture. Finally, the paper shows that this play is in fact a parody of gen- res, themes, literary conventions and even social practices, which is taken to its maximum expression thanks to the Carnival tradition.


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Shafik, A. (2021). Male homoerotism in the Mamluk literature: al-Mutayyam by Ibn Dāniyāl. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 70, 381–407.