Las aguas de la Acequia Alta o de Mecina (Cogollos de Guadix). Los pleitos desde los siglos XII al XVIII. Algunas notas para su estudio


  • Manuel Espinar Moreno
  • Juan José Quesada Gómez


The great amount of litigations from the XIIth to the XVIIIth century related to the water of the "Acequia Alta de Cogollos" between the villages of Jerez and Cogollos show the maintenance of ancient customs and rights, probably from the roman period, as the Latin Toponimy of that area shows.

The replacement of the village of Mecina by Jerez meant the preeminence of Cogollos on the water of that canal. The neighbours of this village proved that they and their ancestors opened the canal and cleaned it before the foundation of Jerez in the Xllth century. The lights for the water were constant even before the birth of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada, but they increased from the XIIlth century and, above all, after the Christian conques! and the Moorish expulsion.


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How to Cite

Espinar Moreno, M., & Quesada Gómez, J. J. Las aguas de la Acequia Alta o de Mecina (Cogollos de Guadix). Los pleitos desde los siglos XII al XVIII. Algunas notas para su estudio. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 43, 81–95. Retrieved from