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  • Fernando Nicolás Velázquez Basanta
Vol. 56 (2007), Articles, pages 225-243
Submitted: Apr 2, 2020 Published: Jan 14, 2007
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Studies an important text of king Yusuf III (15th c.) in the al-Maqqari's Nafh al-tib, which throws light on genesis of the Ibn al-Khatib's Ihata, while allowing to know that the author of Dhikr bilad al-Andalus was Abu ‘Abd Allah Ibn Djuzayy (14th c.), an author from Granada who was famous as writer of Ibn Battuta's Rihla.


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Velázquez Basanta, F. N. (2007). Un texto de Yūsuf III sobre la génesis de la Iḥāṭa que nos da la clave para conocer al autor del Ḏikr bilād al-Andalus. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 56, 225–243. Retrieved from