Control, acculturation, segregation, resistance: the records of Catholic mass attendance by Moriscos in the kingdom of Granada


  • Carlos Javier Garrido García "IES Doctor Francisco Marín. Siles (Jaén)"



Moriscos, Kingdom of Granada, 16th century, Mass attendance, Parish patterns


This article analyzes mandatory mass attendance by Moriscos in the kingdom of Granada, making use of the parish registers of the Diocese of Guadix, in the eastern part of the kingdom, in which the Morisco population was the majority. Using as sources the provisions of the Synod of 1554 and also the cases heard by the Ecclesiastical Courts –the latter having been largely underutilized until now– it has been possible to assess the importance and evolution of the signs of resistance against this form of control, which ranged from not attending mass on the days of required attendance to engaging in small acts of rebellion. This results in the progressive configuration of the “all are one” mentality on the part of the authorities, which ended in the expulsion of the Moriscos at the beginning of the 17th century. The study also offers documentary proof of the profound heterogeneity of the Morisco community.


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Author Biography

Carlos Javier Garrido García, "IES Doctor Francisco Marín. Siles (Jaén)"

Doctor en Historia Moderna por la Universidad de Granada, profesor de Geografía e Historia en el IES "Doctor Francisco Marín" de Siles (Jaén) y miembro del Centro de Estudios "Pedro Suárez" de Guadix (Granada). Autor de numerosos trabajos sobre la población morisca del reino de Granada, especialmente Guadix y su Tierra.



How to Cite

Garrido García, C. J. (2019). Control, acculturation, segregation, resistance: the records of Catholic mass attendance by Moriscos in the kingdom of Granada. Miscelánea De Estudios Árabes Y Hebraicos. Sección Árabe-Islam, 68, 125–152.




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