Philo of Alexandria: Personal, Family and Social Context of the philosopher
Alexandria, Jewish, Alabarch, Julio-Claudian dynasty, Rome, Tiberius Julius AlexanderAbstract
The Jewish philosopher Philo of Alexandria is known for the extensive work he has left us. However, very little is known about his personal life, except for the episode of his embassy to Caligula in his treatise Legatio ad Gaium. In fact, he hardly speaks about himself in his writings, and he mainly refers to his philosophical, religious or intellectual experiences instead of his daily life. We just have a little more information about some relatives and the high social and economic position they had in Alexandria. In this article, we intend to get closer to his personal figure and to the family and social reality that surrounded him. Thus, we will present the aspects of his biography that we have been able to find out, as well as the most relevant members of his complex family, all of this should be framed in the historical circumstances of a difficult period for the numerous, prosperous and cultured Alexandrian Jewish community.
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