Carneades' Role in Cicero's Conceptualisation of Justice


  • Ana Kotarcic University of Zurich


Cicero, Carneades, divisio Carneadea, justice vs. injustice, scepticism


Much research has gone into reconstructing and analysing Laelius’ and Philus’ speeches for and against justice as featuring in Cicero’s De re publica book III. However, there has not yet been a systematic discussion of the significance which Carneades, the Carneadean method and the divisio Carneadea play not only in this exchange but also in Cicero’s conceptualisation of justice as a whole. By examining Cicero’s style of composition and argumentation, the aim of this article is to show that Cicero’s reference to Carneades as the figure behind Philus’ arguments in favour of injustice is neither coincidental nor purely for the purpose of rhetorical effect, but a crucial and strategic move on Cicero’s part which helps him shape his own argument of justice throughout his works.



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How to Cite

Kotarcic, A. (2024). Carneades’ Role in Cicero’s Conceptualisation of Justice. Florentia Iliberritana, 35, 139–167. Retrieved from


