De Medicinae studio recte instituendo by Andrés Piquer: The view of an Enlightenment doctor on medical art


  • Jesús Ángel y Espinós Universidad Complutense



Andrés Piquer, ancient medicine, Spanish Enlightenment, teaching of medicine


In the present paper the author tries to shed new light on the opuscule De medicinae studio recte instituendo, which appeared as the prologue to the third edition (Madrid, 1758) of the treaty Medicina vetus et nova (editio princeps: Valencia, 1738), the first work published by the physician Andrés Piquer (1711-1772). This preface presents the particularity that it contains a résumé, addressed to students, of Piquer’s scientific and medical conceptions, as well as his personal reflections about the different medical schools from a didactic point of view.


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How to Cite

Ángel y Espinós, J. (2024). De Medicinae studio recte instituendo by Andrés Piquer: The view of an Enlightenment doctor on medical art. Florentia Iliberritana, 34, 49–69.


