Brief legal notes on the term alumna, regarding the funerary monument of Lutatia Lupata in Augusta Emerita


  • Sabino Perea Yébenes Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia



epitaph, Roman portrait, Lutatia Lupata, alumna, slaves and freedmen, Roman family, Roman laws, Augusta Emerita


The famous inscription of Lutatia Lupata, in Mérida (roman Augusta Emerita) is reexamined, where she, the deceased, is represented with a stringed musical instrument. Here attention is focused on the Latin term alumna that appears in her epitaph, indicating her status in the inscription, as opposed to the more widespread version that relates this term to the learning of the musical art.


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How to Cite

Perea Yébenes, S. (2024). Brief legal notes on the term alumna, regarding the funerary monument of Lutatia Lupata in Augusta Emerita. Florentia Iliberritana, 34, 33–47.


