Heritage awareness: fixed purpose or excuse? Inapropriate uses of the Heritage


  • Nicole Gesché-Koning Asistenta en cargo de ejercicios en la Universidad Libre de Bruselas (ULB). Profesora asociada de la Universidad francófona Senghor en Alejandría (Egipto)


Heritage, Education programmes, Training, Didactic use of the heritage


This article analyzes the way the heritage is used within awareness programmes or museum education activities. If some reach their goal, how many are used as pretext for art based activities without any further link with the heritage? Moreover, what do some of the trainers in such activities really know about the heritage they are dealing with?


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Author Biography

Nicole Gesché-Koning, Asistenta en cargo de ejercicios en la Universidad Libre de Bruselas (ULB). Profesora asociada de la Universidad francófona Senghor en Alejandría (Egipto)

Asistenta en cargo de ejercicios en la Universidad Libre de Bruselas (ULB). Profesora asociada de la Universidad francófona Senghor en Alejandría (Egipto)


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How to Cite

Gesché-Koning, N. (2015). Heritage awareness: fixed purpose or excuse? Inapropriate uses of the Heritage. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, 81–91. Retrieved from https://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/erph/article/view/18286


