First aaproach to the landscape of the Alhambra. Significance, perception and opportunities for its preservation


  • Victoria Eugenia Chamorro Martínez Doctora en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Granada


Territorial and landscape context of the Alhambra, Intact heritage values of the Valle del Darro, Integrated and balanced scenario for the protection, Conservation and use, Space for the social and institutional convergence


In the mental construction of the Alhambra, the observer mixes the visual representations, sensations and feelings produced by the perception of the monument in its relation with the Albaycin, Valle del Darro, Vega de Granada and Granada, which appear before him as harmonic parts of a single physical reality.

From this point of view we propose a debate about the opportunity to configure an integrated and balanced scenario for the protection, conservation, use and aesthetic approach to these monumental, urban, rural and natural spaces that configure the territorial and cultural context linked to the Alhambra.


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Author Biography

Victoria Eugenia Chamorro Martínez, Doctora en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Granada

Doctora en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Granada.


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How to Cite

Chamorro Martínez, V. E. (2015). First aaproach to the landscape of the Alhambra. Significance, perception and opportunities for its preservation. Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, 43–62. Retrieved from




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