Territorial values of the hydraulic heritage and its representation. The waterwheels, mills and factories of Puente Genil (Córdoba)


  • José Peral López Profesor del Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas de la Universidad de Sevilla
  • Marta María Berral Matas Graduada en Fundamentos de Arquitectura por la Universidad de Sevilla




Heritage, Hydraulic framework, Cartography, Territorial and landscape images, Puente Genil


At the end of the 19th century, in the town of Puente Genil, the current of the river that gives it its name and that turned the mechanisms of water wheels and mills stopped moving the old wheels to generate electricity in the turbines giving artificial light to their houses, streets and industries. The advances of the technique announced the abandonment of the elements that had characterized a landscape for centuries, which today has practically disappeared. Only the remains of five of the more than half of structures related to water as an agricultural resource are preserved and they are precisely the old tails adapted for the flour and electricity factory, La Alianza, the only one that remains in good condition. In a new panorama where the patrimonial attention slips towards the subject and his experiences on the object, the individualized graphic expression for the representation of the territorial and landscape values is postulated as a new horizon to try to systematize. About to enter the end of the period that marks 2020 and whose identity mark is the Genil River in the Sustainable Tourism Plan of Andalusia and also as a close to the Sustainable Development Strategy of Puente Genil, we propose an advance in the study and the protection of the water wheels, mills and irrigation systems of this city and its territory.


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Author Biographies

José Peral López, Profesor del Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas de la Universidad de Sevilla

Profesor del Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónicas de la Universidad de Sevilla

Marta María Berral Matas, Graduada en Fundamentos de Arquitectura por la Universidad de Sevilla

Graduada en Fundamentos de Arquitectura por la Universidad de Sevilla en 2018 con mención especial en Premio TFG 2019. Colabora actualmente en la redacción del Plan Director de Conservación del Patrimonio Inmueble Histórico de Sevilla.


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How to Cite

Peral López, J., & Berral Matas, M. M. (2020). Territorial values of the hydraulic heritage and its representation. The waterwheels, mills and factories of Puente Genil (Córdoba). Erph_ Electronic Journal of Historical Heritage, (25), 28–54. https://doi.org/10.30827/e-rph.v0i25.17885


