A resonant leader


  • Susana López Tocón Universidad de Granada




leader-resonant, aims, motivation, values


Many authors have referred to the leadership of the resonant leader as his/her commitment towards the group of which s/he is in charge, with the aim of promoting responsibility, a spirit of endeavour and the personal development of each of the members of the team. The leader is the person who must create a positive emotional environment, which will have repercussions on the team's labour efficiency.

S/he will possess both positive and negative aspects, although the leader's empathy and good practice will always predominate, and s/he will be valued and taken into account by his/her workers while they struggle and attempt not to disappoint the leader who placed his/her trust in them


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How to Cite

López Tocón, S. (2014). A resonant leader. DEDiCA. Journal of Education and the Humanities, (6), 261–271. https://doi.org/10.30827/dreh.v0i6.6978


