Four Portuguese Pieces by Miguel Asins Arbó: analytical and performative approach


  • Jesús María Gomez Rodriguez Conservatorio Superior Óscar Esplá de Alicante



analysis, harmony, music, piano


In this article, we analyse the harmonic and piano perspective one of the most characteristic pieces of the piano work of the Spanish composer Miguel Asins Arbó (1916-1996). National Music Award in 1950, he was known internationally as the author of the soundtracks of Luis García Berlanga (1921-2010) or Marco Ferreri (1928-1997) films. He composed more than a hundred works for piano, although unfortunately most of them still unedited and with a short analytical bibliography of them. This cycle of songs shows how the composer can capture popular music from different countries. The principal objective of this work is to know and discover the language and the formal characteristics of the works we investigate and play. This documentary research whose origin is the composer’s score, has used the qualitative methodology to understand the meaning of his music, through analytical observation techniques. The qualitative analysis of his music, which demands explore the compositional procedures, allows us to understand better his language using observation techniques and strategies focused on harmonic and instrumental analysis. The results have been positive and is to recommended work several interpretative aspects, generating ideas that help us in artistic practice.


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Author Biography

Jesús María Gomez Rodriguez, Conservatorio Superior Óscar Esplá de Alicante

Doctor en Educación por la Universidad de Alicante. Actualmente trabaja como Catedrático de Piano y Vicedirector en el Conservatorio Superior de Música Óscar Esplá de Alicante (España), donde imparte y coordina un Máster en Interpretación e Investigación Musical.



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How to Cite

Gomez Rodriguez, J. M. (2019). Four Portuguese Pieces by Miguel Asins Arbó: analytical and performative approach. DEDiCA. Journal of Education and the Humanities, (16), 11–30.


